NETGEAR STM150EW-100NAS Router User Manual

Monitor System Access and Performance
ProSecure Unified Threat Management (UTM) Appliance
View the Network Status Screen
To view the Network Status screen, select Monitoring > System Status > Network Status.
The Network Status screen displays. (The following figure shows the Network Status screen
of the UTM50. The Network Status screen of the UTM9S or UTM25S also shows the
Application Control Mode The application control mode (GLOBAL or PROFILE).
ReadyNAS Status The status of the ReadyNAS connection:
OFF. The ReadyNAS is not connected.
NORMAL. The ReadyNAS is connected and functions normally.
FAILED. The ReadyNAS is connected but is unreachable.
Quarantine Status The status of the quarantine area:
OFF. The quarantine area is disabled.
NORMAL. The quarantine area is enabled and functions normally.
FAILED. The quarantine area is enabled but is unreachable.
Active TCP connections The number of active connections that use TCP.
Active UDP connections The number of active connections that use TCP.
Services The protocols for which scanning is enabled (ON or OFF is stated next to the
protocol). For information about how to enable scanning for protocols, see
Customize Email Protocol Scan Settings on page 194 and Customize Web Protocol
Scan Settings on page 210.
Active connections The number of active connections for each protocol.
Anti-Virus The protocols that are being scanned for malware threats (ON or OFF is stated
under the protocol).
System Information
States the system up time since last reboot.
System Name The model of the UTM.
Firmware Information The versions and most recent downloads for the active and secondary firmware of
the UTM, the scan engine, pattern file, and firewall.
Click + More to display the versions and most recent downloads for the DC agent,
SSE engine, SSE pattern, Mini engine, Mini pattern, Update client, IPS engine, IPS
rules, Scand, and Urld.
License Expiration Date The license expiration dates for the email protection and web protection licenses,
the combined support and maintenance license, and the combined application
control and IPS license.
Note: When a license has expired, the license expiration date is displayed in red
Hardware Serial Number The hardware serial number of the UTM.
Table 123. System Status screen fields (continued)
Item Description