NETGEAR STM150EW-100NAS Router User Manual

System Logs and Error Messages
ProSecure Unified Threat Management (UTM) Appliance
Application Logs
This section describes logs that are generated when the UTM filters application traffic.
Routing Logs
LAN-to-WAN Logs
LAN-to-DMZ Logs
DMZ-to-WAN Logs
WAN-to-LAN Logs
DMZ-to-LAN Logs
WAN-to-DMZ Logs
This section explains the logging messages for each network segment such as LAN-to-WAN
for debugging purposes. These logs might generate a significant volume of messages.
LAN-to-WAN Logs
This section describes logs that are generated when the UTM processes LAN-to-WAN traffic.
Table 186. Content-filtering and security logs: applications
Message 2008-12-31 23:59:31 0 block 1 8800115 2 TCP 543
1863 MSN login attempt
Explanation Logs that are generated when an IM/P2P traffic violation occurs. The message
shows the date and time, the action that is taken, protocol, client IP address, client
port number, server IP address, server port number, IM/P2P category, and reason
for the action.
Recommended Action None.
Table 187. Routing logs: LAN to WAN
Message Nov 29 09:19:43 [UTM] [kernel] LAN2WAN[ACCEPT] IN=LAN OUT=WAN SRC= DST= PROTO=ICMP TYPE=8 CODE=0
Explanation This packet from the LAN to the WAN has been allowed by the firewall.
For other settings, see Table 161 on page 648.
Recommended Action None.