36 www.xilinx.com SPI-4.2 Lite v4.3 User Guide
UG181 June 27, 2008
Chapter 2: Core Architecture
Source Status and Flow Control Interface (Calendar Control and Status
The Source Status and Flow Control Interface enables you to receive flow control data from
the SPI-4.2 interface. The status information is received based on the channel order and
frequency defined in the programmable calendar. The Source Calendar Control signals are
defined in Table 2-13. The Source Status FIFO Signals are defined in Table 2-14. Table 2-15
defines Source Static Configuration signals.
Table 2-13: Source Calendar Control Signals
Name Direction
SrcCalClk Input n/a Source Calendar Clock: All Source calendar signals are synchronous
to this clock.
SrcCalWrEn_n Input SrcCalClk Source Calendar Write Enable: When this signal is asserted (Active
Low), the Source Calendar is loaded with the data on the SrcCalData
bus on the rising edge of SrcCalClk.
SrcCalAddr[8:0] Input SrcCalClk Source Calendar Address: When SrcCalWrEn_n is asserted, this bus
indicates the calendar address to which the data on SrcCalData is
written. When SrcCalWrEn_n is deasserted, this bus indicates the
calendar address from which the data on SrcCalDataOut is driven.
SrcCalData[7:0] Input SrcCalClk Source Calendar Data: This bus contains the channel number to
write into the calendar buffer when SrcCalWrEn_n is enabled. The
channel numbers written into the calendar indicate the order that
status is updated on the SrcStat bus.
SrcCalDataOut[7:0] Output SrcCalClk Source Calendar Data Output: This Source Calendar Data Output
bus contains the channel number that is read from the calendar buffer
when SrcCalWrEn_n is disabled. The channel numbers read from the
calendar indicates the order that status is updated on SrcStat bus.
Table 2-14: Source Status FIFO Signals
Name Direction
(Addressable I/F
Input n/a Source Status Clock: For the Addressable Interface, all Source Status
read signals are synchronous to this clock.
For the Transparent Interface, this clock signal is not present. For this
interface, all signals are synchronous to TSClk_GP.
(Addressable I/F
(Transparent I/F Only)
Output SrcStatClk
e I/F only)
I/F only)
Source Status: For the Addressable Interface, the 32-bit Source Status
bus is the dedicated 16-channel interface. You can read the status for
16-channels each clock cycle. The 16-channel status that are accessed
simultaneously are grouped in the following manner: channel 15 to
0, channel 31 to 16, channel 47 to 32, ..., channel 255 to 240.
For the Transparent Interface, this Source Status bus is two bits wide
and represents the last status received.