Cisco ASR 901 Series Aggregation Services Router Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 10 Configuring Ethernet OAM
To remove the LCK condition from MEP, enter the ethernet cfm lck stop mpid local-mpid domain
domain-name vlan vlan-id privileged EXEC command. To put an interface out of LCK condition, enter
the ethernet cfm lck start interface interface-id direction {inward | outward} privileged EXEC
This is an example of the output from the show ethernet cfm smep command when ethernet LCK has
been enabled:
Switch# show ethernet cfm smep
SMEP Settings:
Interface: GigabitEthernet0/3
LCK-Status: Enabled
LCK Period: 60000 (ms)
Level to transmit LCK: Default
AIS-Status: Enabled
AIS Period: 60000 (ms)
Level to transmit AIS: Default
Defect Condition: AIS
Managing and Displaying Ethernet CFM Information
Use the following commands in the privileged EXEC mode to clear Ethernet CFM information.
Step 18
ethernet cfm lck start interface interface-id
direction {up | down} [drop l2-bpdu]
(Optional) Apply the LCK condition to an interface.
• interface interface-id—Specify the interface to be put
in LCK condition.
• direction inward—The LCK is in the direction toward
the relay; that is, within the switch.
• direction outward—The LCK is in the direction of
the wire.
• (Optional) drop l2-bpdu specifies that all Layer 2
BPDUs except CFM frames, all data frames, and all
Layer 3 control traffic are dropped for that MEP. If not
entered, only data frames and Layer 3 control frames
are dropped.
Step 19
show ethernet cfm smep [interface interface-id] Verify the configuration.
Step 20
show ethernet cfm error Display received ETH-LCK frames.
Step 21
copy running-config startup-config (Optional) Save your entries in the configuration file.
Command Purpose
Table 1 Clearing CFM Information
Command Purpose
clear ethernet cfm ais domain domain-name
mpid id {vlan vlan-id | port}
Clear MEPs with matching domain and VLAN ID out of AIS defect
clear ethernet cfm ais link-status interface
Clear a SMEP out of AIS defect condition.
clear ethernet cfm error Clear all CFM error conditions, including AIS.