Cisco ASR 901 Series Aggregation Services Router Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 21 Configuring Pseudowire
Configuring Pseudowire
Configuring Pseudowire
This section describes how to configure pseudowire on the Cisco ASR 901. The Cisco ASR 901
supports pseudowire connections using CESoPSN. The following sections describe how to configure
pseudowire connections on the Cisco ASR 901.
• Configuring Pseudowire Classes, page 21-4
• Configuring CEM Classes, page 21-6
• Configuring a Backup Peer, page 21-8
• Configuring Structure-Agnostic TDM over Packet, page 21-9
• Configuring Circuit Emulation Service over Packet-Switched Network, page 21-14
• QoS for CESoPSN over UDP and SAToP over UDP, page 21-18
• Configuring Transportation of Service Using Ethernet over MPLS, page 21-18
For full descriptions of each command, see the Cisco ASR 901 Series Aggregation Services Router IOS
Command Reference.
For pseudowire configuration examples, see Configuration Examples for Pseudowire, page 21-31
Configuring Pseudowire Classes
A pseudowire class allows you to create a single configuration template for multiple pseudowire
connections. You can apply pseudowire classes to all pseudowire types.
Complete the following steps to configure a pseudowire class:
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. pseudowire-class class-name
4. encapsulation mpls
5. interface cemslot/port
6. cem group-number
7. xconnect ip pw-class pseudowire-class