Cisco ASR 901 Series Aggregation Services Router Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 42 IPv6 Multicast
Configuring IPv6 Multicast
Interface Nbr count
Vlan300 0
Vlan100 0
Vlan10 1
Loopback0 0
Total Nbrs 1
To display the number of PIM neighbors discovered, use the show command described in the following
Router# show ipv6 pim neighbor
Neighbor Address Interface Uptime Expires DR pri Bidir
FE80::1:1:3 FastEthernet4/10 04:27:15 00:01:23 1 B
To display the information in the PIM topology table in a format similar to the show ip mroute
command, use the show command described in the following example.
Router# show ipv6 mroute
Multicast Routing Table
Flags: D - Dense, S - Sparse, B - Bidir Group, s - SSM Group,
C - Connected, L - Local, I - Received Source Specific Host Report,
P - Pruned, R - RP-bit set, F - Register flag, T - SPT-bit set,
J - Join SPT
Timers: Uptime/Expires
Interface state: Interface, State
(*, FF0E::E0:1:1:1), 04:26:01/00:02:36, RP 51::1:1:2, flags: SCJ
Incoming interface: Tunnel1
RPF nbr: 51::1:1:2
Outgoing interface list:
FastEthernet4/10, Forward, 04:26:01/00:02:36
(47::1:1:3, FF0E::E0:1:1:1), 04:25:32/00:01:47, flags: SFJT
Incoming interface: Vlan47
RPF nbr: 47::1:1:3, Registering
Outgoing interface list:
FastEthernet4/10, Forward, 04:25:27/00:03:02
Tunnel0, Forward, 04:25:28/never
To display PIM topology table for given group or all groups, use the show command described in the
following example.
Router# show ipv6 pim topology
IP PIM Multicast Topology Table
Entry state: (*/S,G)[RPT/SPT] Protocol Uptime Info
Entry flags: KAT - Keep Alive Timer, AA - Assume Alive, PA - Probe Alive,
RA - Really Alive, LH - Last Hop, DSS - Don't Signal Sources,
RR - Register Received, SR - Sending Registers,
E - MSDP External, DCC - Don't Check Connected
Interface state: Name, Uptime, Fwd, Info
Interface flags: LI - Local Interest, LD - Local Dissinterest,
II - Internal Interest, ID - Internal Dissinterest,
LH - Last Hop, AS - Assert, AB - Admin Boundary
SM UP: 04:27:50 JP: Join(never) Flags: LH
RP: 51::1:1:2*
RPF: Tunnel1,51::1:1:2*
FastEthernet4/10 04:27:50 fwd Join(00:02:48) LI LH