Cisco Systems A9014CFD Router User Manual

Cisco ASR 901 Series Aggregation Services Router Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 31 Microwave ACM Signaling and EEM Integration
Configuration Examples for Microwave ACM Signaling and EEM Integration
action 338 cli command "shape average $cb_bps"
action 340 cli command "service-policy $s1$cpmap"
! Apply the QoS policy on a PHY interface
action 344 cli command "int $_ethernet_intf_name"
action 346 cli command "no service-policy output $pmap"
action 348 cli command "service-policy output $s1$pmap"
action 390 end
! End of the QoS part
! IGP metric block
action 400 if $_eem_mode ge 1
action 402 multiply $n $cb
action 404 divide $_result $nb
action 406 syslog msg "406: cb: $cb nb: $nb result: $_result"
action 408 set m $_result
action 410 syslog msg "m: $m"
action 412 increment n
action 414 subtract $n $m
action 416 multiply $_result $olc
action 418 if $ifcfg eq 0
action 420 set dlc $metric
action 422 else
action 424 set dlc $_result
action 426 end
action 428 syslog msg "428: n:$n m:$m olc:$olc dlc:$dlc result:$_result intf: $ifname"
# action 430 cli command "enable"
# action 432 cli command "conf t"
action 434 cli command "int $ifname"
action 436 cli command "do show run int $ifname"
action 438 string first "ip router isis" "$_cli_result"
action 440 if $_string_result ne "-1"
action 442 cli command "isis metric $dlc"
action 444 cli command "do show ip ospf int | i $ifname"
action 446 string first "$ifname" "$_cli_result"
action 448 elseif $_string_result ne "-1"
action 450 cli command "ip ospf cost $dlc"
action 452 end
action 454 end
! Adjust the current applet
action 456 syslog msg "The EEM script executed"
action 458 cli command "event manager applet ACM62"
action 460 cli command "event tag event_sd ethernet microwave sd interface
GigabitEthernet0/10 threshold $nb"
action 462 if $ppmap eq 0
action 464 if $_eem_mode le 1
action 466 cli command "action 116 set ppmap $pmap"
action 468 end
action 470 end
! End of the script