
Cisco ASR 901 Series Aggregation Services Router Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 24 Configuring QoS
Understanding QoS
These sections contain additional information about classification:
“Class Maps” section on page 24-8
“The match Command” section on page 24-8
“Classification Based on Layer 2 CoS” section on page 24-9
“Classification Based on IP Precedence” section on page 24-9
“Classification Based on IP DSCP” section on page 24-9
“Classification Comparisons” section on page 24-10
“Classification Based on QoS Groups” section on page 24-11
“Classification Based on VLAN IDs” section on page 24-12
Class Maps
Use an MQC class map to name a specific traffic flow (or class) and to isolate it from all other traffic. A
class map defines the criteria used to match against a specific traffic flow to further classify it. If you
wish to classify more than one type of traffic, you can create another class map and use a different name.
When you use the class-map command with a class-map name, the router enters the class-map
configuration mode. In this mode, you define the match criterion for the traffic by using the match
class-map configuration command. After a packet is matched against the class-map criteria, it is acted
on by the associated action specified in a policy map.
You can match more than one criterion for classification. You can also create a class map that requires
that all matching criteria in the class map be in the packet header by using the class map match-all
class-map name global configuration command to enter class map configuration mode.
Note You can configure only one match entry in a match-all class map.
You can use the class map match-any class-map name global configuration command to define a
classification with any of the listed criteria.
Note If you do not enter match-all or match-any, the default is to match all. A match-all class map cannot
have more than one classification criterion (match statement). A class map with no match condition has
a default of match all.
The match Command
To configure the type of content used to classify packets, use the match class-map configuration
command to specify the classification criteria. If a packet matches the configured criteria, it belongs to
a specific class and is forwarded according to the specified policy. For example, you can use the match
class-map command with CoS, IP DSCP, and IP precedence values. These values are referred to as
markings on a packet.
For an input policy map, you cannot configure an IP classification (match ip dscp, match ip
precedence, match ip acl) and a non-IP classification (match cos or match mac acl) in the same
policy map or class map.
In an output policy map, no two class maps can have the same classification criteria, that is, the same
match qualifiers and values.