Chapter 8. Configuring Boot CONFIG
This chapter describes the Boot CONFIG configuration and operational commands.
It includes the following sections:
v “Entering and Exiting Boot CONFIG”
v “Boot CONFIG Commands”
Entering and Exiting Boot CONFIG
To enter the Boot CONFIG command environment, use the CONFIG boot
command. When the router’s software is initially loaded, it is running in the OPCON
process, signified by the * prompt. From the * prompt:
1. Enter talk 6.
2. At the Config> prompt, type boot.
3. At the Boot config> prompt, type ?. See “Add” on page 94 for a list of
To return to the CONFIG process, type exit.
Boot CONFIG Commands
This section describes the Boot CONFIG commands. Each command includes a
description, syntax requirements, and an example. Table 11 summarizes the Boot
CONFIG commands.
After accessing the Boot CONFIG environment, enter the boot configuration
commands at the Boot config> prompt.
Table 11. Boot CONFIG Commands
Command Function
? (Help) Displays all the commands available for this command level or
lists the options for specific commands (if available). See
“Getting Help” on page 10.
Add Adds a boot interface IP address to a specified interface, host
boot entry, or host dump entry.
Change Changes the boot interface IP address, network boot entry
data, or network dump entry data.
Copy Copies boot files and configuration files to or from remote
routers and hosts or between resources within the router.
Describe Displays information about the stored loadfile images in the
Delete Deletes a network boot interface address, a host boot entry, or
host dump entry.
Disable Disables memory dump or unique naming of the dump files.
Enable Enables memory dump or unique naming of dump files.
Erase Erases a stored image on an IBD bank.
List Displays all network boot addresses, all boot and dump
configuration data, the contents of the IBD, BOOTP name
settings, and scheduled image load information.
Load Copies a boot file from the IBD to RAM or copies a boot file
from a remote host to RAM.
Store Copies the boot file from RAM to the IBD.
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