This manual contains the information that you will need to use the router user
interface for configuration and operation of the Multiprotocol Routing Services base
code installed on your Nways device. With the help of this manual, you should be
able to perform the following processes and operations:
v Configure, monitor, and use the Multiprotocol Routing Services base code.
v Configure, monitor, and use the interfaces and Link Layer software supported by
your Nways device .
This manual contains the information you will need to configure bridging and routing
functions on an Nways device. The manual describes all of the features and
functions that are in the software. A specific Nways device might not support all of
the features and functions described. If a feature or function is device-specific, a
notice in the relevant chapter or section indicates that restriction.
This manual supports the IBM 2210 and refers to this product as either “the router”
or “the device”. The examples in the manual represent the configuration of an IBM
2210 but the actual output you see may vary. Use the examples as a guideline to
what you might see while configuring your device.
Who Should Read This Manual
This manual is intended for persons who install and manage computer networks.
Although experience with computer networking hardware and software is helpful,
you do not need programming experience to use the protocol software.
To get additional information: Changes may be made to the documentation after
the books are printed. If additional information is available or if changes are
required after the books have been printed, the changes will be in a file (named
README) on diskette 1 of the configuration program diskettes. You can view the
file with an ASCII text editor.
About the Software
IBM Nways Multiprotocol Routing Services is the software that supports the IBM
2210 (licensed program number 5801-ARR). This software has these components:
v The base code, which consists of:
– The code that provides the routing, bridging, data link switching, and SNMP
agent functions for the device.
– The router user interface, which allows you to configure, monitor, and use the
Multiprotocol Routing Services base code installed on the device. The router
user interface is accessed locally through an ASCII terminal or emulator
attached to the service port, or remotely through a Telnet session or
modem-attached device.
The base code is installed at the factory on the 2210.
v The Configuration Program for IBM Nways Multiprotocol Routing Services
(referred to in this book as the
Configuration Program
) is a graphical user
interface that enables you to configure the device from a stand-alone workstation.
The Configuration Program includes error checking and online help information.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 1998 xxix