Configuring Interfaces
Interface Configuration
Type 'Yes' to Configure Interfaces
Type 'No' to skip Interface Configuration
Type 'Quit' to exit Quick Config
Configure Interfaces? (Yes, No, Quit): [Yes]
1. Take one of the following actions:
v Enter y to display the interface configuration prompts.
v Enter n to skip interface configuration and continue with quick configuration.
v Enter q to exit quick configuration. This displays the Config> prompt. To
restart quick configuration from this prompt, enter qc.
When interface configuration begins, you can type ’r’ any time at this level to restart
Interface Configuration
The only WAN interfaces that you can configure using Quick Config are PPP,
Frame Relay, and V34. The only parameters you can configure for PPP and Frame
Relay are the cable type and the line speed if the IBM 2210 is providing the
clocking. For V34 interfaces the cable type is set to RS-232 DTE with a clock speed
of 115200.
Note: Some modems do not support 115200 as the DTE serial speed. If this is the
case, you must go into the network configuration for that V34 net and lower
the DTE speed.
What quick configuration displays next depends on whether you have an Ethernet
or Token-Ring version of the IBM 2210.
For Ethernet versions of the IBM 2210, configuration prompts similar to the
following ones appear:
1. The interface verification:
Intf 0 is Ethernet
Intf 1 is WAN PPP
Encapsulation for WAN 1 (PPP, Frame Relay, V34): [PPP] PPP
2. Enter one of the following values to specify the encapsulation type:
ppp Point-to-Point Protocol
fr Frame Relay
V34 V.34 Modem Handler
The following message is displayed for PPP and Frame Relay:
Appendix A. Quick Configuration Reference 653