
1. At the CONFIG> prompt, enter the list configuration command to see the
numbers and names of the protocols purchased in your copy of the software.
See page 69 for sample output of the list configuration command.
2. From the Config> prompt, enter the protocol command with the number or
short name (for example, IP, IPX, and ARP) of the protocol you want to
configure. The protocol number and short name is obtained from the list
configuration command display. In the following example, the command has
been entered for accessing the IP protocol configuration process:
Config> protocol IP
Config> protocol 0
The protocol configuration prompt then displays on the console. The following
example shows the IP protocol configuration prompt:
IP config>
You can now begin entering the protocol’s configuration commands. See the
corresponding protocol section of the
Protocol Configuration and Monitoring
for more information on specific protocol configuration commands.
In summary, the protocol command lets you enter the configuration process for the
protocol software installed in your router. The protocol command enters a
protocol’s command process. After entering the protocol command, the prompt of
the specified protocol appears. From the prompt, you can enter commands specific
to that protocol.
Entering a Protocol Operating Process
To enter a protocol console process from the GWCON prompt:
1. At the GWCON prompt, enter the configuration command to see the protocols
and networks configured for the router. For example:
Multiprotocol Routing Services
2210-MRS Feature 3768 V3.2 Mod 0 PTF 0 RPQ 0 MRS.E00 cc4_2a
Boot ROM version 1.10 Watchdog timer enabled Auto-boot enabled
Time: 13:43:04 Thursday March 9, 1995 Console baud rate: 9600
Num Name Protocol
3 ARP Address Resolution
7 IPX Netware IPX
11 SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol
12 OSPF Open SPF-Based Routing Protocol
23 ASRT Adaptive Source Routing Transparent Enhanced Bridge
26 DLS Data Link Switching
Num Name Feature
1 BRS Bandwidth Reservation
2 MCF MAC Filtering
3 Networks:
Net Interface MAC/Data-Link Hardware State
0 TKR/0 Token-Ring/802.5 IBM Token-Ring Up
1 FR/0 Frame Relay SCC Serial Line Down
2 PPP/0 Point to Point SCC Serial Line Up
2. Enter the GWCON protocol command with the protocol number or short name
of the desired protocol displayed in the configuration information.
In the following example, the command has been entered for accessing the IP
protocol console process.
+ protocol 0
20 MRS V3.2 Software User’s Guide