
v Specify an event that stops message buffering and what action the system takes
when the event occurs.
v Send a formatted version of the buffer to a file at a remote server.
v View a specific number or all of the ELS messages in the buffer.
For specifics about the commands, see “ELS Message Buffering Configuration
Commands” on page 184 and “ELS Message Buffering Monitoring Commands” on
page 210 .
The following example shows how to configure ELS message buffering.
MOS Operator Control
*t 5 :Entert5atthe*prompt.
CGW Operator Console
+ev :Enter ev at the + prompt.
Event Logging System user console
ELS>a :Enter a for advanced at the ELS prompt.
Advanced ELS Console
ELS Advanced>li s :Enter li s to list status at the > prompt.
------------------Advanced ELS Configuration------------------------
Logging Status: OFF Wrap Mode: ON Logging Buffer Size: 0 KB
Stop-Event: NONE Stop-String: NONE
Additional Stop-Action: NONE
------------------------Run-Time Status-----------------------------
Has Stop Condition Occurred? NO Messages currently in buffer: 0
ELS Advanced>s b :Entersbtosetbuffer size.
Enter buffer size of 0 KB or between 148 and 593 KB 148 ?
Buffer size set to 148 KB
ELS Advanced>s s e gw.26 :Enterssetosetstop event eg. gw.26
Stop Event "GW.026" has been set
ELS Advanced>ex :Enter ex to exit Advanced to list gw.26
ELS>list ev gw.26
Level: C-TRACE
Message: Mnt nt %n int %s/%d
Active: Count: 742
ELS>a :Enter a to get back to advanced.
Advanced ELS Console
ELS Advanced>s s s Mnt nt 5 :Enterssstosetthestop string.
Stop String set to "Mnt nt 5"
ELS Advanced>ssa?:Enterssa?toquery available stop actions.
APPN-DUMP :Only available if APPN active and in the load image.
ELS Advanced>ssas:EnterssastosetSYSTEM-DUMP stop action.
Stop Action has been set to SYSTEM-DUMP
ELS Advanced>s w off to :Enterswontosetwrap mode off.
Advanced Wrap Mode set to OFF.
ELS Advanced>log sub gw all :Enter to enable the whole gw subsystem
ELS Advanced>s l on :Enterslontostart the logging process.
Advanced Logging set to ON.
ELS Advanced>li s :Enter to list status of logging.
------------------Advanced ELS Configuration------------------------
Logging Status: OFF Wrap Mode: OFF Logging Buffer Size: 148 KB
Stop-Event: GW.026 Stop-String: Mnt nt 5
Additional Stop-Action: SYSTEM-DUMP
------------------------Run-Time Status-----------------------------
Has Stop Condition Occurred? YES Messages currently in buffer: 7
ELS Advanced>v a n :Enter to view all messages in buffer. For this
trivial example any viewing command suffices.
1 10:52:10 GW.026: Mnt nt 0 int Eth/0
2 10:52:10 GW.026: Mnt nt 5 int Eth/1->This triggers stop action
3 10:52:14 GW.026: Mnt nt 0 int Eth/0 Note that 5 more events
4 10:52:14 GW.026: Mnt nt 5 int Eth/1 get logged before
5 10:52:18 GW.026: Mnt nt 0 int Eth/0 logging stops and
6 10:52:18 GW.026: Mnt nt 5 int Eth/1 the stop action occurs.
7 10:52:22 GW.026: Mnt nt 0 int Eth/0
Using ELS
MRS V3.2 Software User’s Guide