Configuring Bridging
Bridging Configuration
Type 'Yes' to Configure Bridging
Type 'No' to skip Bridging Configuration
Type 'Quit' to exit Quick Config
Configure Bridging? (Yes, No, Quit): [Yes]
1. In response to Configure Bridging, take one of the following actions:
v Enter y to display the bridging configuration prompts. The prompts that
appear depend on your network configuration.
v Enter n to skip the bridging configuration and continue with quick
v Enter q to exit quick configuration. This displays the Config> prompt. To
reenter quick configuration, enter qc after this prompt.
2. If you have configured for DIALs dial-in circuits the following panel will be
Transparent bridging automatically enabled
on DIALs ports? (Yes, No, Quit): [Yes]
Enter y to automatically add transparent bridge ports to the bridge configuration
for each of the DIALs interfaces.
Enter n to automatically disable Bridging on each of the DIALs dial-in interfaces.
3. If you choose to configure bridging, Spanning Tree Bridging (STB) will be
enabled on all LAN interfaces. You will see the following panels:
Type 'r' any time at this level to restart Bridging Configuration
STB will be enabled on all LAN interfaces
Enter y to configure SRT bridging. Otherwise, enter n. For each Token-Ring
interface in the configuration, you will be prompted to enable Source Routing on
the interface.
Configure SRT Bridging? (Yes, No): [Yes]
You are now configuring the Source Routing part of SRT Bridging
Bridge Number (hex) of this Router (1-F): [A]
4. Enter a bridge number, which is a hexadecimal value from 1 to F that is unique
between two parallel segments.
Interface 0 (Port 1) is of type Token Ring
Configure Source Routing on this interface (Yes, No): [Yes]
5. Enter y to configure source routing on the interface. The console displays the
next two lines.
Configuring Interface 0 (Port 1)
Segment Number (hex) of this Interface (1-FFF): [A1]
Note: The port number increases by one because source routing bridging does
not allow a port number of zero.
662 MRS V3.2 Software User’s Guide