Current Multilink PPP Configuration:
Num Intf# Direction Max Links Link Intf# Base Intf# Destination
1 7 In 3 8 6 default_ad
Save this configuration (Yes, No): [Yes] y
Multilink PPP configuration saved.
Configuring Dial-Circuits
The following configuration questions are displayed for dial-circuit configuration:
Dial Circuit Configuration (w/o DIALs)
Type 'Yes' to Configure Dial Circuits
Type 'No' to skip Dial Circuits Configuration
Type 'Quit' to exit Quick Config
Configure Dial Circuits? (Yes, No, Quit): [Yes] y
1. Take one of the following actions:
v Enter y to display the Dial-Circuit configuration prompts
v Enter n to skip Dial-Circuit configuration and continue quick configuration
v Enter q to exit quick configuration
The following status message appears upon entering the dial-circuit
configuration. Note that in this example there is no existing dial- circuit
Current Dial Circuit Configuration:
Num Intf# Intf Type BaseIntf# MP Direction ...
1 New Circuit
Choose the circuit you wish to edit/add: (1 - 1): [1] 1
2. Choose to add a new dial-circuit by selecting the number at the bottom of the
list denoted by ″New Circuit″. Choose to edit an existing dial-circuit configuration
by selecting the number of the dial-circuit which you wish to edit (Note: in the
above example, there are no existing dial-circuits). The following is an example
of the prompts that will be displayed to add a new, PPP, inbound dial-circuit:
Enter interface # of Base Net, "?" for List,"Q" to quit: (6)
Enter type of dial circuit for this net: (PPP, FRAME-RELAY): [FRAME-RELAY] PPP
Set Call Direction (Inbound, Outbound, Both): [Both] Inbound
Accept ANY INBOUND call (Yes, No): [No] Yes
3. After answering all of the questions, you will be given a confirmation for the
dial-circuit as shown below:
Appendix A. Quick Configuration Reference 657