Chapter 15. Getting Started with Network Interfaces
The chapters of this book describe how to configure and monitor network interfaces
and link layer protocols supported by the Router. The purpose of this chapter is to
give you some basic configuration and monitoring guidelines. This chapter also
provides you with basic procedures and information needed for monitoring the
interfaces via the GWCON interface command. This chapter includes the following
v “Before You Continue”
v “Network Interfaces and the GWCON Interface Command”
v “Accessing Network Interface Configuration and Console Processes”
v “Accessing Link Layer Protocol Configuration and Console Processes” on
page 224
v “Defining Spare Interfaces” on page 224
Before You Continue
Before you continue, make sure that you have familiarized yourself with the
procedures necessary for accessing the network interface configuration processes.
For more information on these procedures, refer to the sections that follow in this
Network Interfaces and the GWCON Interface Command
When configuring network interfaces, you may find it necessary to display certain
information about specific interfaces. While some interfaces have their own console
processes for monitoring purposes, the router displays statistics for
network interfaces when you use the interface command from the GWCON
environment. (Refer to “Interface” on page 136.)
Accessing Network Interface Configuration and Console Processes
The follow references contain the background information and examples of how to
access the configuration and console prompts for interfaces.
Refer to “Accessing Network Interface Configuration and Operating Processes” on
page 15 , “Accessing the Network Interface Configuration Process” on page 15, and
“Accessing the Network Interface Console Process” on page 18 for complete
information on accessing interface configuration and console processes. Accessing
these processes allows you to change and monitor software configurable
parameters for network interfaces used in your router.
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