GB1400 User Manual 3-43
Errored Seconds (ES): The number of seconds in the measurement
interval containing one or more errors. The GB1400 measures
asynchronous errored seconds—that is one second intervals based on the
instrument's internal clock rather than the detection of an error. Errored
seconds are not counted during unavailable time (see below). However,
the errored second count does include both severely errored seconds and
non-severely errored seconds.
TSE = total seconds in the current measurement interval with
one or more errors.
US = unavailable seconds in the current interval
% Errored Seconds (%ES): Errored seconds as a percentage of the
total number of seconds in the measurement interval:
%ES = ( ES / TS ) * 100%
ES = errored seconds in the measurement interval
TS = total seconds in the measurement interval
Error Free Seconds (EFS): The number of seconds that contain no
errors and are not unavailable.
EFS = (TS - ES - US)
TS = total seconds in the measurement interval
ES = errored seconds in the measurement interval
US = unavailable seconds in the measurement interval
%EFS: Percentage Error-free Seconds. Error-free seconds as a
percentage of the total number of seconds in the measurement interval.
% EFS = ( EFS / TS) * 100%
EFS = error-free seconds in the measurement interval
TS = total seconds in the measurement interval
Severely Errored Seconds (SES): The number of errored seconds in the
measurement interval which BER is greater than or equal to 1E-03,
excluding unavailable seconds. For example, on a 100 Mb/s test signal,
this would include all available, synchronous errored seconds with
100,000 or more errors.
SES = (seconds with BER ≥ 1E-03) - US
US = unavailable seconds in the current interval