Remote Commands
C-4 GB1400 User Manual
Command Line Rules
The following rules summarize the basic syntax of GB1400 commands:
Command Lines: A given command line may contain one or multiple commands. If a
command line contains multiple commands, commands will be separated by a ";"
Command Line Terminator
RS-232C Interface: Command lines issued to the instrument should be terminated
by a simple carriage return (CR). Responses generated by the instrument will be
terminated as specified by the user in the RS-232 EOL menu function, that is CR, LF,
GPIB Interface: Command lines issued to the instrument can be terminated by
either EOI or EOI/LF. Responses generated by the instrument will be terminated as
specified by the user in the GPIB menu function, that is either EOI or EOI/LF.
Maximum Number of Characters per Line: Command lines may contain a
maximum of 80 characters before the terminator.
Command Headers (Names): Each command must start with a header. This header
must contain either the full name of the command, or an abbreviation containing at least all
of the leading significant characters identified for that command name. In addition, query
commands must end with a "?".
Upper and Lower Case: All characters in a GB1400 command line may be entered in
either upper or lower case.
Arguments: Commands may include one or more arguments (parameters) following the
header. The first argument following the header must be separated from the header by
one or more blank characters (spaces). Subsequent arguments must be separated from
previous parameters using commas.
Blank Characters (Spaces): One or more spaces are required between the command
header and first parameter (if any). Otherwise spaces are ignored by the GB1400 and
may be used on a command line between headers, parameters, or required separators for