GB1400 User Manual 2-30
Basic BERT testing with the GB1400
A critical element in digital transmission systems is how error-free its
transmissions are. This measurement is made by a bit-error-rate tester (BERT).
The GB1400 Generator (Tx) and Analyzer (Rx) are designed to operate at bit
rates up to 1400 Mb/s. These portable instruments provide PRBS or User
Defined Patterns (up to 1Mbit deep) for high speed BERT testing.
Objective of Tutorial
Understand GB1400 instrument setup for BER testing using PRBS patterns.
This tutorial programs the GB1400 Generator to provide PRBS clock and data
signals for the Analyzer. Using AUTO-SEARCH features, the Analyzer will
synchronize to the incoming PRBS test pattern. Bit Error Rate (BER)
measurements will be performed on both good (error-free) and bad (user injected
faults) data streams.
Key Feature of Tutorial
This lab demonstrates the use of AUTO-SEARCH Synchronization.
Equipment Required
Description Qty Part Number Source
GB1400 Generator 1 GB1400 Tx Tek
GB1400 Analyzer 1 GB1400 Rx Tek
50Ω Coax SMA cables, 1 meter
length, male to male
3 174-1341-00 Tek