Remote Commands
C-94 GB1400 User Manual
byte_delete [a], [i]
Byte Delete. This command deletes i bits from the edit pattern starting with bit a.
Min. Abbr. byte_d
<NR1>, in the range "a", the block of bits to be deleted
begins at this address.
0 to 131071 (1M mode)
0 to 65535 (512K mode)
0 to 32767 (256K mode)
0 to 16,383 (128K mode)
0 to 8191 (64K mode)
<NR1>, in the range 8 to 80, in steps of 8, this is the
number of bits to delete.
Example byte_delete 512, 80
Note: The address "a" plus the number of bytes being changed ('i'/8) must be less than
the pattern length.
Note: n of "bn" must equal 1/8.