Remote Commands
GB1400 User Manual C-25
word_order [msb | lsb]
Word Order. Sets the bit order of the current word to MSB or LSB. The unit will start
the transmission with the MSB of the first byte or the LSB of the first byte (MSB/LSB).
After the MSB (or LSB), the bits would be transmitted continuing with the bits of the first
byte until the LSB (or MSB) is reached, then proceeding with the next byte in the same
Min. Abbr. word_o
Arguments msb: most significant bit first
lsb: least significant bit first.
Example word_order lsb
Note: On changing the WORD ORDER, the new setting is effective only on pattern
bytes edited after the change. If the ORDER is changed in the middle of programming
pattern bytes, the bytes programmed prior to the ORDER change will be reversed from
those programmed after the change.
For example, if the WORD ORDER was previously LSB in memory 6, and the data
pattern is programmed as follows:
edit_begin 6
byte_length 4,0
byte_block 0,16,#HAA,#HAA
word_order MSB
byte_block 2,16,#HAA,#HAA
edit_end 6
The pattern would become #H55, #H55, #HAA, #HAA.
Example #1 - To download a 32,768-byte pattern to memory location 1 without affecting
the current 256K pattern.
edit_begin 1
word_order msb
byte_length 32768,0
byte_block 0,80,#H00,#H01,#H02,#H03,#H04,#H05,#H06,#H07,#H08,#H09
byte_block 10,80,#H00,#H01,#H02,#H03,#H04,#H05,#H06,#H07,#H08,#H09
byte_block 32750,80,#H00,#H01,#H02,#H03,#H04,#H05,#H06,#H07,#H08,#H09
byte_block 32760,64,#H00,#H01,#H02,#H03,#H04,#H05,#H06,#H07