Remote Commands
C-50 GB1400 User Manual
Results Error-Free Seconds. This command returns the percentage of error free
seconds calculated, either in the current test interval so far or in the previous test interval,
depending on the setup of TEST PREV and the current test state.
Min. Abbr. res_efs_?
Returns <NR2>
Example res_efs_per? (command)
RES_EFS_PER 100.00 (response)
Results Elapsed (Time). This command returns a quoted string indicating the time
elapsed, either in the current interval so far or the previous interval, depending on the
setup of TEST PREV and the current test state.
Min. Abbr. res_el?
Returns <qstring>, in format "ddd-hh:mm:ss", where ddd = days, hh =
hours, mm = minutes, and ss = seconds.
Example res_elapsed? (command)
RES_ELAPSED "000-23:52:30"(response)
Results Errors. This command returns the total number of bit errors counted, either in
the current test interval so far or in the previous test interval, depending on the setup of
TEST PREV and the current test state.
Min. Abbr. res_er?
Returns <NR1>
Example res_errors? (command)
RES_ERRORS 81252873 (response)