DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
When this error occurs for an ASAI or Lucent adjunct, the Aux Data field
indicates the state of the ASAI link or Lucent link and whether an invalid
response or no response was received to the query from the switch, as
shown in the following table:
(See "Status BRI-Port" in Chapter 8, ‘‘Maintenance Commands’’
, for an
explanation of the ASAI link states.)
For ASAI or Lucent adjuncts, the switch automatically queries the adjunct
every two minutes (and therefore the Layer 3 Query Test is not executed
for ASAI or Lucent adjuncts via a command issued from the G3MT
terminal). While alarmed for this error, the switch momentarily (for five
seconds) takes the associated port out-of-service every 15 minutes. This
action is taken in an attempt to stimulate recovery actions to be taken by
the adjunct.
When this error occurs for an ASAI or Lucent adjunct, the service
technician should:
1. Execute the
test station extension
command and pay particular
attention to any tests which fail and perform the associated repair
procedures for those tests.
2. Check the health of the adjunct by following the recommended
repair procedures of the manufacturer of the adjunct if the
preceding step does not resolve the problem.
3. The alarm condition persists and, if the above steps do not resolve
the problem, follow normal escalation procedures.
d. This error and associated WARNING alarm are logged against an ASAI or
Lucent endpoint when the adjunct has asked the switch to suspend
Maintenance on the ASAI or Lucent endpoint. Busying out and releasing
the ASAI station or ADJLK station will clear this alarm.
e. This error occurs when the endpoint sends more messages than the
switch can handle. The switch suspends the reception of messages from
the endpoint for a short period of time. There is no repair procedure for this
error. If the condition persists, replace the endpoint.
Data ASAI Link State Error
102 13-restarting No response to RESTART message
104 13-restarting Invalid response to RESTART message
152 13-restarted No response to Layer 3 query
154 13-restarted Invalid response to Layer 3 query
202 13-established No response to Layer 3 query
204 13-established Invalid response to Layer 3 query