DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-95display events
Error Log Report High Resolution
The following display shows a typical result when
display errors high-res
entered with the default input settings.
display events
display events [print]
A vector event is the occurrence of something unexpected during a
vector-routed call due to resource exhaustion or faulty vector programming. (For
example, route-step failures are typically due to the programming of an invalid
extension.) These types of failures are not due to faulty hardware or system
software error and do not constitute incorrect feature operation. This command
allows you to diagnose and correct vectoring problems due to the
above-mentioned causes. See
DEFINITY Communications System Generic 3 Call
Vectoring and Expert Agent Selection (EAS) Guide
, 555-230-520, for information
on how to interpret this report.
Input Form
The following entry form is displayed to allow limiting the report to events of a
certain type or from a certain time period. Enter the desired parameters and
Category “Vector” specifies the type of event report to display and is the only valid
display errors high-resolution Page 1
Port Mtce Alt Err Aux First Seq Last Seq Err Al
Name Name Type Data Occur Cnt Occur Cnt Cnt St
01C0702 ANL-LINE 311 257 01/31/09:20:21 1 01/31/20:26:05 1 255 a
01C0701 ANL-LINE 1051 257 01/31/20:26:18 1 01/31/20:26:18 7 4 a
01C0703 ANL-LINE 1053 257 01/31/20:26:18 2 01/31/20:26:18 8 4 a
01A TDM-CLK 0 0 01/31/20:34:35 1 01/31/20:34:35 1 1 a
01C1505 CO-TRK 078/001 3329 57408 01/31/20:26:07 1 01/31/20:27:28 1 5 a
01C1505 CO-TRK 078/001 1537 01/31/20:26:52 1 01/31/20:28:41 1 5 a
02A0201 TONE-PT 0 01/31/20:34:28 1 01/31/20:34:28 1 1 a
PN 02B TDM-BUS 18 0 01/31/14:53:03 1 01/31/21:12:22 1 1 a
1 A-PNC FIBER-LK 18 0 01/31/21:55:24 1 01/31/21:55:24 1 1 a
Command successfully completed