DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-189ATM-EI (Expansion Interface Circuit Pack)
1414 ABORT The active Tone/Clock circuit pack in one of the port networks being used
for the test has a MAJOR or MINOR alarm logged against it.
1. Enter display alarms and resolve any TONE-BD and TONE-PT alarms.
1956 ABORT ACL to the board is not up. See ACL status with the list sys-link command
and follow the repair procedures for SYS-LINK.
2000 ABORT Response to the test request was not received within the allowable time
2100 ABORT System resources required to run this test are not available.
2500 ABORT Internal system error
1. Retry the command at 1-minute intervals a maximum of 3 times.
FAIL The test tone was not detected correctly in either direction.
1. Use the status system all command to determine the active
2. Test the active Tone/Clocks on the Port Networks for which the ATM-EI
circuit pack under test provides a link. This determines if the dial tone is
10MM FAIL The failure codes only apply to a system equipped with an ATM Switch. The
letters “MM” refer to the distant or far-end port network (PN), and “NN” to the
near-end ATM-EI under test.
The test tone was detected correctly in forward direction (data sent from the
PN in which the circuit pack under test resides and detected correctly in
port network MM), but not the opposite direction.
1. Use the status system all command to determine the active
2. Test the active Tone/Clocks on the “MM” PN and the PN in which the
ATM-EI under test resides (test tone-clock UUCSS). This determines if
dial tone is supplied.
3. Ensure that the ATM address of the ATM-EI circuit pack under test
matches the ATM address on the ATM switch for the port to which this
circuit pack is connected. Refer to the ‘‘ATM Tips’’
section in Chapter 5
for the procedure to check the ATM port address on the ATM switch.
4. Run this Test #241 on the active ATM-EI in port network MM. If this test
fails with Error Code 10NN or 30NN, go back to Step 2.
If the address was the same, replace the active ATM-EI circuit pack on
port network MM.
If this test fails with Error Code 20NN or 40NN, replace ATM-EI circuit
pack that had the initial problem.
Table 9-80. Expansion Interface 2-way Transmission Test (#241) — Continued
Result Description/ Recommendation
Continued on next page