DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-951ISDN-SGR (ISDN-PRI Signaling Group)
Secondary Signaling Link Hardware Check (#639)
The ISDN-PRI Signaling Group D-Channel port depends on the health of the
TN464C/D UDS1 Interface circuit pack on which it resides. This test will fail if
there are problems with either the ISDN-PRI Secondary D-channel port or the
UDS1 circuit pack. This test will abort if a Secondary D-channel is not
Table 9-363. TEST #637 Remote Layer 3 Query
Tes t
Result Description/ Recommendation
1006 ABORT There are no associated B-channels in an ISDN ‘‘in-service’’ or ‘‘maintenance’’
service state. This is a NORMAL ABORT.
1. Administer or release an ISDN trunk or PRI endpoint before retrying the
test. For an ISDN trunk, use the status trunk group#/member# command
to verify the ISDN trunk state. For a PRI endpoint use status pri-endpoint
extension. Then, retry this test when at least one B-channel is in the
"in-service" or "maintenance" states.
1113 ABORT The signaling channel is down. Therefore, no messages can be sent to the
far-end switch or terminal adapter.
1. Examine the results of Tests #636 and #639 and follow recommendations
provided there.
2100 ABORT Could not allocate the necessary system resources to run this test.
1. Retry the command at 1-minute intervals a maximum of 5 times.
ABORT Internal system error OR Administration Problem
1. Determine if any B-channels are administered. If there are none, then this
is a normal ABORT, since this test cannot run unless at least one
B-channel is administered. If at least one B-channels is administered,
there is an internal system error. Retry the command at 1-minute intervals
a maximum of 5 times.
FAIL Internal system error. See description of ABORT with error code 2500.
PASS A message was composed and sent to the far-end switch or terminal adapter.
The ISDN PRI specification allows up to 2 minutes for a reply. Check the Error
Log for ‘‘ISDN-SGR (ISDN-PRI Signaling Group)’’
for errors of type 2305 for
evidence of a Remote Layer 3 Query failure. If no new errors were logged
since this test was run, then this switch and the far-end switch or terminal
adapter can exchange call control messages. If there is still a problem with a
particular ISDN trunk or PRI endpoint, busyout the trunk and run the long test
sequence, paying particular attention to the results of Test #258 (ISDN Test
Continued on next page