DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Alarms, Errors, and Troubleshooting
5-3Electrostatic Discharge
■ The DEFINITY AUDIX System is now powered up. When the system
is in the active state, the display indicates
, and the red LED is
When powering up, the DEFINITY ADUXI System automatically
reboots. This sequence may show an
alarm in the
display until the system how powered up. When the system has
completed its power up sequence, the display reads:
Electrostatic Discharge
Whenever a circuit pack is inserted or removed, the grounding wrist strap
attached to the cabinet must be used to avoid damage or disruption from ESD.
Use of the wrist strap is also required whenever touching any components inside
the switch cabinet, including the SPE-SELECT and EMERGENCY TRANSFER
switches. While such actions may not cause a problem in a highly controlled
environment, disruption to the system could result when conditions are not ideal,
(for example, when the air is very dry).
If you
proceed when a wrist strap is not available, grab the outside panel of
the cabinet with one hand
touching any components, and keep your extra
hand grounded throughout the procedure.
Handle a circuit pack only by the faceplate, latch, or top and bottom edges. Do
not touch board components, leads or connector pins. Keep circuit packs away
from plastic and other synthetic materials such as polyester clothing. Do not set a
circuit pack on a non-conductive surface such as paper. Use the anti-static bag,
if available.
Never hand a circuit pack to another person unless that person is also using a
wrist ground strap.
The body collects potentially damaging amounts of static electricity from many
ordinary activities. The smallest amount of ESD that can be felt is far above that
which can damage a sensitive component or disrupt service!
Figure 5-1
shows the location of the grounding jack.