DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-868FIBER-LK (Fiber Link)
135 FAIL The SNI circuit pack (endpoint 1) cannot communicate with its neighbor (list
fiber-link can be used to display fiber link endpoints). The SNI has an
administered neighbor, but cannot communicate with its neighbor.
1. Check if the administered neighbor is inserted. If not, insert the neighbor
circuit pack.
2. Perform the ‘‘Fiber Fault Isolation Procedure’’
136 FAIL The endpoint 1 SNI’s administered neighbor does not match the physical
neighbor connected (list fiber-link can be used to display fiber link endpoints).
The type of neighbor administered is an SNI and the type of neighbor
physically connected is an EI. Enter list fiber-link and verify that the fiber optic
cable and metallic cable connections are installed as administered.
137 FAIL The endpoint 1 SNI’s administered neighbor does not match the physical
neighbor connected (list fiber-link can be used to display fiber link endpoints).
The type of neighbor administered is an EI and the type of neighbor physically
connected is an SNI. Enter list fiber-link and verify that the fiber optic cable
and metallic cable connections are installed as administered.
138 FAIL The physical neighbor location of endpoint 1 SNI does not match administered
neighbor location (list fiber-link can be used to display fiber link endpoints).
The carrier and slot of the administered neighbor do not match the carrier and
slot of the physical neighbor. Enter list fiber-link and verify that the fiber optic
cable and metallic cable connections are installed as administered. If the
problem does not seem to be caused by a physical connection problem or an
administration problem, replace the neighbor circuit pack. It is possible for the
neighbor circuit pack to have a hardware problem that causes it to report a
wrong angel address (physical carrier/slot address) to software.
139 FAIL The endpoint 1 SNI is administered to be connected to a DS1 CONV but is not
physically connected to a DS1 CONV (list fiber-link can be used to display
fiber link endpoints). If a DS1 CONV is not supposed to be connected to this
SNI, change administration to remove the DS1 converter complex from the fiber
link associated with this SNI by:
1. Check for the fiber that this SNI is an endpoint of by checking list fiber-link
2. Remove fiber-link for the fiber that this SNI is an endpoint of.
3. Add the fiber back via add fiber-link and this time do not administer the
DS1 converter complex. If a DS1 CONV should be connected to this SNI,
enter list fiber-link and verify that the fiber optic cable and/or metallic
cable connections are installed as administered.
Table 9-333. TEST #759 Configuration Audit — Continued
Tes t
Result Description/ Recommendation
Continued on next page