DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1496STBY-SPE (Standby SPE Maintenance)
Replacing SPE Circuit Packs
To replace any SPE circuit pack on a duplicated system, always use the
"lock-and-power-down" procedure described fully in Chapter 5. This procedure
allows replacements without service disruption, and guarantees that the system
is returned to full normal operation.
Memory Shadowing
Memory shadowing is used to keep the standby SPE’s memory content
up-to-date relative to the active SPE’s memory. A standby SPE that has just
rebooted, exited lock mode or just been released from busyout must undergo
this full re-initialization. System software tracks the operation and raises a major
alarm when refresh failure occurs. If shadowing stays on, system software
automatically tries to refresh again 5 minutes later.
Generally, memory shadowing should always remain on unless:
■ The standby SPE is undergoing any restart.
■ The active SPE is undergoing a restart level of 2 or greater.
■ The active SPE is locked.
■ The standby SPE is busied out.
In any other situation, it is an error condition for shadowing to be off. The first two
situations are transitory and shadowing should automatically be restored within
10 minutes. If shadowing has been on for several minutes, it is an error condition
for the standby not to be refreshed. A standby SPE with no critical component
alarms that is either not refreshed or does not have shadowing on should have
SOH level
not refreshed.
Busyout of the Standby SPE
The standby SPE can be placed in the state of maintenance busyout with the
busyout spe-standby
. This creates the following conditions:
■ The SOH of the standby SPE is kept artificially at level
regardless of the actual state of its components.
■ Memory shadowing is turned off. Standby memory content is not in
agreement with that of the active SPE
■ A Warning alarm is raised against STBY-SPE with error type 18. This
Warning alarm supersedes all other alarms against STBY-SPE.
■ The status spe field Standby Busied? will display yes.