DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Initialization and Recovery
4-9SPE-Down Command Interface
SPE-Down Command Interface
A limited command interface called the SPE-down interface can be used to
communicate with low level firmware when system software is unavailable for
executing the usual maintenance commands. This is useful in three situations.
■ The SPE is down in a system without duplicated SPEs
■ The standby SPE is down in a system with duplicated SPEs
■ One SPE is locked standby in a system with duplicated SPEs
Memory Board Burst Test Replace memory board Replace processor
board The carrier may be defective. Follow
normal escalation procedures.
Sysam Test Replace the SYSAM board.
Vm Test Replace the processor.
Exception Test Replace the processor.
MSS Test Replace the MSSNET board. Replace the
Sanity Timer Test Replace the SYSAM board.
Dupint Test Replace the DUPINT board.
Disk Test Replace the disk drive.
Loading Disk Reformat disk. Replace the MSSNET board.
Ram Data Checksum Test Reboot from whichever device (tape or disk) was
used for the failed reboot. Replace memory.
Ram Text Checksum Test Reboot from whichever device (tape or disk) was
used for the failed reboot. Replace memory.
Tape Test Replace the tape cartridge. Replace the tape
drive. Replace the MSSNET board.
Pktint Reset Test Replace the packet interface board.
Mem Board Couple Test
(Extended reboot only)
Replace the indicated memory board.
Table 4-1. Initialization Diagnostics for All Reset Levels — Continued
Test Description/Recommendation
Continued on next page