DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-489DID-TRK (Direct Inward Dial Trunk)
Looparound and Conference Circuit Test (#33)
This test checks the reflective and non-reflective loop around and conference
capabilities of a DID port circuit. The test that uses 404-Hz, 1004-Hz, and
2804-Hz tones is an on-board test only. Each tone is separately transmitted to
and from the port (loop around within the port) and verified.
This test may fail due to noise induced by adjacent electric power lines.
Customers having this problem should resolve it with their local power company.
To temporarily alleviate the alarm caused by the failure of this test, the test may
be disabled from trunk administration Test field. (This also disables the port
diagnostic test.)
2000 ABORT Response to the test was not received within the allowable time period.
2100 ABORT Could not allocate the necessary system resources for this test. This could be
due to a failure to seize the port.
1. Retry the command at 1-minute intervals a maximum of 5 times.
Any FAIL This test can fail due to off-board problems, including EXP-PN and EXP-INTF
faults, TDM-BUS faults, and tone detectors/tone generators. Clear all off-board
problems before replacing the board. A TDM-BUS problem is usually a faulty
board or bent pins on the backplane.
1. Resolve any EXP-PN, EXP-INTF, TDM-BUS, TONE-BD, and TONE-PT
errors in the error log.
2. Retest the board. Replace the board if the test fails.
PASS The port is correctly using its allocated time slots. User-reported troubles on
this port should be investigated using other port tests and by examining
station, trunk, or external wiring.
The test could not relate the internal ID to the port (no board).
1. Check to ensure that the board translations are correct. Translate the
board, if necessary.
2. Issue the busyout board command.
3. Issue the reset board command.
4. Issue the release busy board command.
5. Issue the test board command. This should re-establish the linkage
between the internal ID and the port.
Table 9-200. TEST #6 NPE Crosstalk Test — Continued
Te s t
Result Description/ Recommendation
Continued on next page