DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-498DIG-LINE (Digital Line)
Downloading of Terminal Parameters
Programmable Terminals
The following information is presented to help you understand how maintenance
software interacts with terminal parameter downloading.
Terminal Types:
a. 84xx multibutton digital voice terminals (8403D01A, 8410B, 8410D02A,
8434D01A) with optional expansion module.
b. 603A1 and 603D1 Callmaster terminals for telemarketing applications.
c. 302B1 and 302C1 attendant console.
Circuit Packs:
1. 8400x, 302B1 Terminals
a. TN754 (4-wire, mu-law)
Minimum usable vintage for 8410D and 8434D terminals - V11
b. TN413 (4-wire, A-law)
c. TN754B (4-wire, A-law/mu-law selectable)
d. TN2177 (2-wire, 16-port, A-law/mu-law selectable)
e. TN2181 (2-wire, 16-port, A-law/mu-law selectable)
f. TN2224 (2-wire, 24-port, A-law/mu-law selectable)
2. 603A1/D1 Terminals
a. TN754 (4-wire, mu-law),
b. TN413 (4-wire, A-law)
c. TN754B (4-wire, A-law/mu-law selectable)
Out-of-Service The port, and thus the station, have been removed from service.
Busyout puts the port in the out-of-service state.
The port on the circuit pack has been put into service, but the
voice terminal has not yet established signaling communications
with the port.
In-Service The voice terminal has established signaling communications
with the port, and the system is ready to process calls to and
from that station. A terminal in the ready-for-service state will
progress to the in-service state if it is functioning normally. It can
also be forced into the in-service state by going off-hook.