DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-729DUP-CHL (Duplication Interface)
Replace the cable observing proper connector location and orientation.
5. Apply power to the standby SPE carrier.
6. Verify that the standby is up. Regular flashing of the yellow LED on the
Processor circuit pack indicates that the standby SPE is up and cycling. If
the yellow LED is not flashing after 5 minutes test the standby SPE by
using the lock-and-power-down procedure described in Chapter 5.
7. With the standby SPE still busied out to prevent an interchange, unlock the
active SPE by moving the SPE Select Switches back to the Auto position.
8. Use the
status spe
command to verify that handshake is up. Wait up to 10
minutes for handshake to come up.
9. If the status shows MAJOR alarms, use the
display alarms
command for
. Resolve alarms for maintenance objects other than DUPINT
and DUP-CHL first.
10. Execute the
test duplication-interface long clear
command to resolve
the DUPINT and DUP-CHL alarms. If any tests abort, but no tests fail, run
the test again at 1-minute intervals up to a maximum of 5 times with the
goal of observing all tests passing.
■ If no DUPINT nor DUP-CHL tests fail, the DUPINT and DUP-CHL
alarms are resolved or cleared in this active to standby direction.
Continue with step 11.
■ You should by now have replaced both DUPINT circuit packs and
the interconnecting cable.
11. Release the standby SPE from the busyout condition using the
command and wait (about 10 minutes) for the standby SPE
to be refreshed as observed with the
status spe