DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-738DUPINT (Duplication Interface Circuit Pack)
Memory Shadowing Bounds Test (#868)
This test is destructive
This test is used to check the memory shadowing bounds register located on the
Duplication Interface circuit pack
55 FAIL The attempt to turn off memory shadowing in this Duplication Interface circuit
pack could not be verified in the hardware status register.
1. Replace Duplication Interface components starting with the active
Duplication Interface circuit pack. Use SPE Duplication Channel
Component Replacement procedures at the end of the DUP-CHL
PASS The retrieved test data word that was looped around in the active
Duplication Interface circuit pack matched the inversion of the written test
data word.
Table 9-284. TEST #867 Local Loop-around Test — Continued
Te s t
Result Description/ Recommendation
Continued on next page