DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-328test data-module
test customer-alarm
command performs hardware diagnostic tests on the
leads of the SYSAM or EPN Maintenance circuit pack in a specified cabinet.
These leads are connected to customer equipment and provide a means of
alerting the system administrator and INADS when that equipment fails. The
alarm is activated when a relay on the connected equipment is closed for 1
The cabinet default is 1. The carrier needs be specified only for PPNs with
duplicated SPEs.
test data-module
test data-module extension [short | long] [repeat
| clear] [schedule]
test data-module
command performs hardware diagnostic tests on a data
module or a data channel. Test results are determined by the interface to the
digital switch-data line port, digital line port, or network control data channel.
test disk
test disk [C] [short | long] [repeat
| clear] [schedule]
test disk
command performs a series of tests on the disk circuit pack and
the disk media itself. The cabinet is always 1 and need not be entered. Carrier a
or b must be specified only for duplicated SPEs. This command will abort if any
other MSS operation has already begun.
Failure of the disk test may result in the disk being taken out of service. In this
state, access to the disk by all system software except maintenance is blocked.
When the host-adapter is taken out of service due to test or reset failures and
becomes uninstalled, the disk is also placed in the uninstalled state and all
access by system software, maintenance tests, commands (including resets) is
test ds1-facility
test ds1-facility UUCSSf [short | long | external loopback] [repeat #]
The test ds1-facility command performs a series of tests on the specified facility.
Each individual test will exercise diagnostics on the facility and then return
results of the test along with any possible error codes. The long test is
destructive and is not allowed unless the facility has been busied out.