DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-806EXP-INTF (Expansion Interface Circuit Pack)
When testing Expansion Interface circuit packs to investigate problems, tests
should always be run on both circuit packs on the associated fiber link, whether
the circuit packs are both Expansion Interface circuit packs, or one is a Switch
Node Interface circuit pack. This will provide a better indication of where a
problem is located.
When testing of the EI is not possible, (for example, when the EPN is down), see
the EI Manual Loopback Procedure above.
Expansion Interface Neighbor Query Test (#237)
This test is non-destructive.
The Expansion Interface Neighbor Query Test is a request to an Expansion
Interface circuit pack to determine if it has established communication with its
neighbor Expansion Interface or Switch Node Interface circuit pack.
Expansion Interface Packet Interface Test
1. D = Destructive, ND = Non-destructive
Table 9-308. TEST #237 Expansion Interface Neighbor
Query Test
Tes t
Result Description/ Recommendation
1033 ABORT The Expansion Interface circuit pack does not have a fiber link administered to
it. There is not sufficient data to run test.
1. Issue the list fiber-link command to verify that there is no fiber link
administered to this circuit pack.
2. If there is no fiber administered to this circuit pack, but there should be add
the correct fiber using the add fiber-link command.
3. Retry the command.
Continued on next page
Table 9-307. System Technician-Demanded Tests: EXP-INTF — Continued
Order of Investigation
Short Test
Long Test
Reset Board
Sequence D/ND
Continued on next page