DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-325test alarms
When errors are encountered preparing a particular object to be tested (not
inserted, contention, etc.) the an error message will be displayed. This error
message will be displayed in the TEST RESULTS data.
For the following output example, assume that only one alarm was in the alarm
log and it is on the board in cabinet 1, carrier c, slot 7. The command that was
entered was “test alarms” and the query form was left empty by just pressing
Feature Interactions
With the enhancement of multiple maintenance users, there may be a possibility
of two users attempting to test the same physical hardware (e.g. one via the test
alarms command and another through the test board command). If this
command should attempt to test a board that is currently being tested by another
user, a error message is displayed.
Alt. Name
The alternate means of identifying the maintenance object. This field
contains the extension when the object is a station, and it contains
xxx/yyy when the object is a trunk, where xxx is the trunk group number
and yyy is the member number. It contains P/xxx when the object is a
private CO line, where xxx is the private CO line group number.
Test No
The actual test that is being executed.
An indicator as to whether the test failed, passed, aborted or no
hardware was available (no board). If this field has conflict, this means
that another user was testing this hardware. If this field has epn-down it
means that the epn is inaccessible at this time.
Error Code
A numerical description of why the test failed or was aborted.
test alarms Page 1
Port Maintenance On Alt Alarm Svc Ack? Date Alarm
Name Brd? Name Type State 1 2 Alarmed Count
01C03 UDS1-BD n WARNING 03/06/16:48 1/4
Port Maintenance Name Alt. Name Test No. Result Error Code
01C03 UDS1-BD 138 NO BOARD
01C03 UDS1-BD 139 NO BOARD
01C03 UDS1-BD 140 NO BOARD
01C03 UDS1-BD 141 NO BOARD
01C03 UDS1-BD 142 NO BOARD
01C03 UDS1-BD 143 NO BOARD
01C03 UDS1-BD 144 NO BOARD
01C03 UDS1-BD 145 NO BOARD
01C03 UDS1-BD 146 NO BOARD
Testing completed for this object.