DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1814TTR-LEV (TTR Level)
When a user goes off-hook to place a call, dial tone is returned to the user,
indicating that a tone detector is connected and ready to receive and interpret
tones. The tone detector is in use until the total number of digits needed is
collected or until a time-out occurs. If all tone detectors in the system are being
used simultaneously, the next user to go off-hook will not receive dial tone until a
tone detector becomes available. It is therefore necessary to have a sufficient
number of tone detectors in the system to prevent delays in receiving dial tone.
list measurements tone-receiver
command shows the level of tone
detector usage. For more information on this command, refer to the following
DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 5.4 Administration
and Feature Description
DEFINITY Communications System Generic 3 V2 Traffic Reports,
In order to prevent dial-tone delays and other shortcomings in system
performance, threshold levels for the 3 types of tone receivers are administered
on the
change system-parameters maintenance
form. Whenever the number of
tone receivers in service falls below the administered threshold for that type of
tone receiver, an alarm is logged against the TTR Level maintenance object. At
this point, the system is operating properly, but call processing capacity is
reduced. Another alarm is logged if the number falls to zero. At this point, system
operation is severely compromised.
Typical causes of these events are:
1. The threshold for GPTD-PTs or DTMR-PTs is administered incorrectly on
the maintenance-related system parameters form.
2. Too many GPTD-PTs, DTMR-PTs, or CLSFY-PTs have been taken out of
service, possibly by maintenance software or a demand busyout.
3. A tone detector circuit pack has been removed or suffered a fatal failure,
resulting in the loss of all its ports.
4. The system has an insufficient number of TN748/TN744/TN420 circuit
Repair Procedure for TTR-LEV
To resolve a TTR-LEV alarm:
1. Display errors and use the TTR-LEV Error Log Table to determine which
type of tone receiver has fallen below its threshold.
2. Enter change system-parameters maintenance, and check the
administered value. On the form, TTR represents DTMR-PTs, CPTR
represents GPTD-PTs, and Call Classifier represents CLSFY-PTs. If the
threshold value is set too high, change it to a lower value and wait a
minute for the alarm to clear.