DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1705TDM-BUS (TDM Bus)
1. Display the Alarm Log for the circuit pack via the
display alarms
2. If there are alarms for the circuit pack, refer to that section and try to
resolve the alarms.
3. Whether or not all the alarms can be cleared, test the TDM Bus again via
test tdm P
4. If some TDM Bus tests fail, implement Procedure 1 for the next circuit
5. If all the TDM Bus tests pass, the problem has been fixed.
6. If all circuit packs in the list have been investigated, go to Procedure 2.
Procedure 2
Procedure 2 removes and reinserts port circuit packs (those in the purple slots)
one or more at a time. Use this procedure for each port circuit pack in the port
network until the problem is resolved or until all circuit packs in the port network
have been tried. To execute diagnostic procedures on the Expansion Interface
and Tone/Clock circuit packs, refer to Procedure 3. Although these circuit packs
reside in purple slots, procedure 2 does not apply. This procedure
apply to
the Tone Detector circuit pack.
If the TDM Bus problem is present when the circuit pack is inserted, but is
resolved when the circuit pack is removed, either the circuit pack or the
backplane pins in that slot are causing the problem. If the backplane pins are
intact, replace the circuit pack. If some of the tests fail regardless of whether the
circuit pack is inserted or removed, and the backplane pins are intact, the circuit
pack is not the cause of the problem. In a multiple failure situation, the circuit
pack could be one cause of the TDM Bus problem. However, other simultaneous
failures might also be responsible for TDM Bus faults. In Procedure 2, an option
of working either with one circuit pack at a time or with multiple circuit packs
simultaneously is available. In view of this capability, determine the level of
service interruption that will be acceptable during the procedure. If causing a
disruption to all users in the port network is deemed permissible, large groups of
circuit packs should be worked with in order to get the job done quickly.
if large service disruptions are to be avoided
, work with one circuit
Circuit Pack Error Log Names
Tone-Clock TONE-BD, TONE-PT, and TDM-CLK
MSS/Network Control* SW-CTL and H-ADAPTER
Tone Detector DETR-BD, GPTD-PT, and DTMR-PT
Expansion Interface EXP-INTF
Packet Interface* PKT-INT