DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1759TIE-TRK (Analog Tie Trunk)
a. Digit time-out. This occurs when the far-end PBX began transmitting digits
too late (10 seconds) after receiving the signal indicating ready to receive
digits (if any). This can occur on an incoming immediate, wink, or delay
dial line. Check the far-end PBX to ensure a translation match at both
ends. This error does not apply to TN497.
b. Rotary dial before wink. This occurs when the far-end PBX starts dialing
before the PBX sends the wink on a wink-start or delay-dial trunk. Check
the far-end PBX to ensure a translation match at both ends. This error
does not apply to TN497.
c. Rotary dial too early. This occurs when the far-end PBX starts dialing too
soon (about 50ms) after seizure on a wink start or delay dial line. Check
the far-end PBX to ensure a translation match at both ends. This error
does not apply to TN497.
d. On hook before wink. This occurs when the far end goes on hook before a
wink. Check the far-end PBX to ensure a translation match at both ends.
This error applies only to TN439.
e. On an outgoing wink-start or delay-dial trunk, the wink time was too short
(less than 80ms) for a valid signal. Check the far-end PBX to ensure a
translation match at both ends. This error does not apply to TN497.
f. This is a software audit error that does not indicate any hardware
malfunction. Run Short Test Sequence and investigate associated errors
(if any).
g. This indicates that the trunk in question has been busied-out by
maintenance personnel.
h. The circuit pack has been removed or has been insane for more than
11-minutes. To clear the error, reinsert or replace the circuit pack. TN439
does not alarm this error. This error does not apply to TN497.
i. The rotary dial rate was too slow
— less than 8 pulses per second. Check
the far-end PBX to ensure a translation match at both ends.
j. The rotary dial rate was too fast
— above 12 pulses per second. Check
the far-end PBX to ensure a translation match at both ends.
k. The time between digits was too short (less than 300ms). Check the
far-end PBX to ensure a translation match at both ends.
l. These errors do not apply to TN439 and TN497.
m. This indicates that the trunk is still seized with an incoming call. The
far-end PBX is not releasing the trunk after the call was dropped. Check
the far-end PBX for problems.
Once the trunk is released from the call, the severity of this problem is
decreased. If Error Type 1025 does not appear again, this means that the
problem has been corrected. Verify that Error Type 1025 does not
reappear in the Error Log.