
DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1253PKT-INT (Packet Interface Circuit Pack)
a. Error 1 occurs when background maintenance software has reset the
Packet Interface circuit pack as a fault recovery action. It is used to keep
track of the number of times that the Packet Interface circuit pack is reset,
independent of whether or not the Reset test passed. Once three of these
errors have occurred in the last 15 minutes, maintenance will place the
Packet Interface circuit pack into an out-of-service state, and a MAJOR
on-board alarm will be raised on the Packet Interface circuit pack.
1. Check to see if error codes 257, 513, 769, 1025, 1281, or 3841 are
present in the hardware error log. If one or more of those error
codes are present, refer to the information associated with those
errors for the appropriate repair procedures.
2. If no other Packet Interface errors appear in the error log, and if the
Packet Interface circuit pack is not in a held reset state as indicated
by the absence of a MAJOR alarm with a Service State of OUT, no
action should be taken. If a Packet Interface MAJOR alarm is
present and no other Packet Interface error codes are in the
hardware error log, execute a demand reset by entering
packet-interface CS
and refer to the repair procedures for Test #
b. Error 10 indicates that the Packet Interface maintenance software caused
an escalating system WARM restart as part of a recovery action for certain
Packet Interface circuit pack failures. A SYSTEM error type 10 should also
be present, indicating that a software initiated WARM restart occurred.
1. Check to see if error types 513, 1025, or 3074 are present in the
hardware error log. If they are present, refer to the repair
procedures for those errors for further action.
c. Error 23 along with an associated MAJOR alarm indicates that (a) Packet
Interface circuit pack translation data was loaded from the tape or disk at
boot time but the Packet Interface circuit pack was not detected to be
physically present or (b) a Packet Interface circuit pack is on the active
SPE but a corresponding Packet Interface circuit pack on the standby
SPE is missing.
1. If the Packet Interface circuit pack is physically present, replace the
circuit pack. The SPE must be rebooted to resolve the alarm.
2. Otherwise, insert the missing Packet Interface circuit pack into the
system or use the change system-parameters maintenance
command to change the entries for Packet Interface circuit packs
to match the circuit packs actually present. If a Packet Interface
circuit is added to the system, the SPE must be rebooted to resolve
the alarm.
d. Error 23 along with an associated MINOR alarm occurs when a user
logically administers a Packet Interface circuit pack using the change
system-parameters maintenance command when the Packet Interface
circuit pack is not physically present.