DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1514STBY-SPE (Standby SPE Maintenance)
configurations disagree. This is a serious problem. Memory shadowing is
automatically turned off as long as a configuration mismatch exists. As long as
this condition holds, any spontaneous SPE interchange which might occur
results in all calls being dropped and a COLD-1 restart on the newly active SPE.
Table 9-573. TEST #920 Standby SPE Configuration
Matchup Test
Tes t
Result Description/ Recommendation
1338 ABORT Test cannot run because a planned SPE interchange is pending.
1. Wait for the planned interchange to complete, then for handshake to come
up, then re-run test on newly standby SPE.
1339 ABORT Test cannot run because handshake communication is not up.
1. Wait 5 minutes and try test again. If handshake is still not up (you get a
1339), solve the handshake problem as described in ‘‘Resolving
Handshake Failure’’.
2000 ABORT Communication with Standby SPE timed out.
1. Retry the test once after 2 minutes.
1374 FAIL Test failed due to mismatch in packet-interface circuit packs.
1. Use list config control to verify discrepancy.
2. Fix the indicated discrepancy in packet-interface packs.
3. Re-run test. This mismatch test is not sensitive to firmware differences
between the two packet-interface circuit packs. See the PKT-INT section
for dealing with firmware variations.
1375 FAIL Test failed due to mismatch in memory circuit packs.
1. Use "list config control" to verify discrepancy.
2. Fix the indicated discrepancy in memory packs.
3. Re-run test.
1376 FAIL Test failed due to mismatch in either PROCR, SYSAM, DUPINT, or MSSNET
circuit packs.
1. Use list config control to verify this highly unlikely discrepancy.
2. Fix the indicated discrepancy.
3. Re-run test.
PASS Active and standby SPEs’ hardware configurations agree in all critical
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