DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-364test tdm
and all access by system software, maintenance tests and commands including
reset are blocked from execution.
Tapes used for core dumps have an incompatible file systems and cannot be
tested by this command.
test tdm
test tdm port-network PN# [short | long] [repeat # | clear] [schedule]
test tdm
command performs hardware diagnostic tests on the time slots of
the specified TDM bus. Both halves (“a” and “b”) of the TDM bus are tested.
test tone-clock
test tone-clock UUC [short | long] [repeat # | clear] [schedule]
test tone/clock
command performs hardware diagnostic tests on the 3
maintenance objects on a specified tone/clock circuit pack: TONE-BD,
test trunk
test trunk group# [/ member#] [short | long] [repeat # | clear] [schedule]
test trunk
command performs hardware diagnostic tests on an entire trunk
group or an individual trunk group member, depending on the options entered.
test tsc-administered
test tsc-administered signaling-group# / tsc-index [repeat#] [schedule]
test tsc-administered
command runs diagnostic tests on any type of
administered Temporary Signaling Connections (TSCs) on a signaling group. A
switched services request to run the TSC heartbeat test is also performed.