DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-180reset interchange
reset interchange
reset pnc interchange [override-and-lock]
This command does not work like other reset commands. Instead of
resetting or initializing hardware, a PNC interchange is executed. Before
entering this command, look at the states of health of the two PNCs with
status pnc
This command executes a PNC interchange on a Critical Reliability system
(duplicated PNC). The standby PNC becomes active and assumes control of
active call processing, and the active goes to standby. If the health of the
standby PNC is the same as or better than that of the active, no service
disruption takes place; all stable calls and links are preserved. Some unstable
calls may drop.
Both demand and spontaneous PNC interchanges are prevented by the
following conditions:
■ The standby PNC is busied out.
■ The PNCs are locked by means of the
set pnc lock
reset PNC
■ For 5 minutes after a spontaneous PNC interchange, or for 30 seconds
after a demand interchange, an anti-thrashing mechanism prevents
subsequent interchanges unless the override-and-lock option is used.
■ If the state of health of the standby PNC is worse than that of the active,
the command will abort unless the override-and-lock option is used.
■ If the standby PNC has not completed a global refresh since it was last
initialized or released, the reset will abort unless the override-and -lock
option is used.
Note the following caution regarding the use of the override-and-lock option.
See status pnc for details of how to obtain and interpret the states of health and
other current information about the PNCs. For a more complete explanation of
PNC duplication and interchanges, see PNC-DUP in Chapter 9.
The cabinet is always 1 and need not be specified. Carrier a or b must
be specified only for duplicated SPEs. The slot number (1-3)
designates one of the dedicated PKT-INTFC slots on the PPN control
carrier and defaults to the lowest-numbered slot with a packet interface
installed in it.