
DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-40busyout fiber-link
This command puts a specified DS1 facility of a DS1C Complex into a
maintenance busy state. Each DS1C complex uses from 1 to 4 DS1 facilities.
One of the facilities, called the packet facility, carries the control channel for all
facilities in the complex, all packet traffic, and some circuit connections. The
other facilities carry circuit connections only. Whenever the circuit pack resets,
the packet facility is set on the “a” facility. If system software detects a problem
with this facility, it switches the packet and control traffic to another facility. The
command is not allowed on the packet facility unless the override
qualifier is used. When the override is used, all packet and circuit traffic on the
packet facility is switched to one of the other 3 facilities; all traffic that was on the
destination facility before the switch is dropped. There is no way to tell which
facility is carrying the packet and control traffic without attempting to busy it out
If there is only 1 facility left in service on the circuit pack, it cannot be busied out.
In this case, the circuit pack must be busied.
Busying out a non-packet facility disrupts all traffic carried on that facility.
Use of the override command to busy the packet facility disrupts all traffic
on the facility to which the packet and control traffic is moved. Which facility
this is cannot be determined in advance.
On critical reliability systems (duplicated PNC) a facility on the active PNC
cannot be busied out. To busyout a facility on the standby PNC, the standby PNC
must first be busied out by
busyout pnc
busyout fiber-link
busyout fiber-link fiber#
[a-pnc | b-pnc]
busyout fiber-link
command puts a specified fiber link into a maintenance
busy state. (See
Commands at the beginning of this
chapter). A fiber link is a connection carrying all circuit and packet traffic
between two port networks, two switch nodes, or a port network and a switch
node. A fiber link may contain a DS1 CONV complex used to provide
connectivity to a remote EPN.
On systems with simplex PNC, the busyout command is destructive. All
calls and application links carried on the busied out fiber link will be torn
down, and new calls will not be established over the link.
On systems with duplicated PNC, the command is allowed only on a fiber link on
the standby PNC, does not impact service, and requires that the standby PNC be
busied first.
For more information on fiber links, see FIBER-LNK in Chapter 9.