
DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-277status isdn-testcall
Feature Interactions
In a High or Critical Reliability System, if the standby SPE Emergency Transfer
Select Switch is changed and the handshake is down, the displayed Emerg
Trans field will be incorrect until the handshake comes up again.
status isdn-testcall
status isdn-testcall group# / member#
status isdn-testcall 78/1 print
This command displays the progress of an outgoing ISDN-PRI test call on the
trunk specified. The tested ISDN-PRI B-channel port number, bit error rate,
number of bits transmitted, block error rate, number of blocks transmitted, start
time, duration specified, duration of test call and reason of termination are
displayed on the status form.
If the bit error rate or block error rate is greater than zero, the ISDN-PRI trunk
“may” be in a troubled state. Based on the statistical information displayed on the
terminal, it can be decided to take the ISDN trunk out of service. This is
subjective data because the ISDN trunk may be used for data or voice. If the
trunk is used for data and the rates are high, the trunk should be taken out of
service. If the trunk is used for voice, the trunk may not have to be taken out of
service. High rates may also be due to some type of power hit on the line.
Current Port Network Connectivity (PNC) status for each of the port
networks in the cabinet
When multiple port networks exist within a cabinet, Carriers A, B, and C
are listed first and separated from Carriers D and E by a slash (e.g.
Both the Expansion Archangel Link (EAL) and the Indirect
Neighbor Link (INL, if applicable) are available.
Both EAL and INL (if applicable) are not available.
(Near End) The EAL is available but the INL is not available.
(Far End) The INL is available but the EAL is not available.
When two port networks share a cabinet, the port network in
carriers A, B, and C is listed first and separated from the one in
carriers D and E by a slash.
Time of Day
Current system time