DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1381SNC-BD (Switch Node Clock Circuit Pack)
SNC-BD (Switch Node Clock Circuit
The Switch Node Clock (SNC) TN572 circuit pack is part of the Center Stage
Switch (CSS) configuration. It resides in a switch node carrier that alone or with
other switch nodes make up a CSS. In a high reliability system (duplicated SPE,
simplex PNC), each SNC is duplicated such that there are two SNCs on each
switch node carrier. In a critical reliability system (duplicated SPE and PNC),
each switch node is fully duplicated, and there is one SNC on each switch node
carrier. SNCs are placed in slots 10 and 12 of the switch node carrier.
The active SNC communicates with each circuit pack in the switch node carrier
over the serial channel bus on the backplane. In addition, the active SNC
provides timing to the circuit packs in the switch node carrier via the clock
busses. The active SNC uses Timing Priority Number (TPN) links with each
Switch Node Interface (SNI) and the other SNC to receive and distribute TPNs.
TPNs are used for setting up the correct timing distribution for the switch node
carrier. The active SNC receives timing for the switch node carrier from each SNI
circuit pack in the carrier and chooses the SNI with the best timing reference for
the switch node carrier timing signal the SNC puts out on the clock busses. The
timing reference for each SNI is derived from the fiber signal to each SNI. The
active SNC chooses the SNI to receive timing from by choosing the SNI with the
lowest numbered TPN which means that the SNI is closest to the system timing
source. The active SNC also verifies that the SNI reference signal is good before
using that SNI as the timing reference for the switch node carrier. The active SNC
then supplies this timing over the clock busses on the backplane to all the SNI
and SNC circuit packs in the carrier. For more information on timing
synchronization including how the SNC fits into the overall synchronization
configuration, see the SYNC section.
MO Name (in
Alarm Log)
Level Initial Command to Run
1. UU is the universal cabinet number (1 for PPN, 2 - 44 for EPNs). C is the carrier designation
(A, B, C, D, or E). SS is the number of the slot in which the circuit pack resides (10 or 12).
Full Name of MO
SNC-BD MAJOR test board UUCSS s SNC Circuit Pack
SNC-BD MINOR test board UUCSS s SNC Circuit Pack