DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
Signaling Link Status Test (#626)
This test determines the current status of the signaling link. This test passes if the
link is "bound" to an endpoint and fails if the link is "not bound."
The definition of the term "bound" for a link depends upon the type of endpoint
and may depend on the successful completion of procedures at both Layers 2
and 3 of the protocol. The definition of "bound" for ASAI type of endpoint is:
■ ASAI adjuncts and BRI endpoints not administered for MIM initialization
For endpoints of this type, the signaling link is "bound" when the link is
connected at Layer 2 (L2 established).
Table 9-52. TEST #626 Signaling Link Status Test
Te st
Result Description/ Recommendation
1139 ABORT The Packet Bus in the port network is out-of-service.
1. Follow the repair procedures for the Packet Bus.
2. After completing Step 1, execute the test port long UUCSSpp
command and review the results of the BRI Port Local LAN
Looparound Test to verify the repair.
1141 ABORT The PKT-CTRL is out-of-service.
1. Refer to PKT-CTRL maintenance documentation.
1144 ABORT The PPN Packet Bus is out-of-service.
1. Follow the repair procedures for the Packet Bus in the PPN.
2. Execute the test port long UUCSSpp command and review the results
of the BRI Port Local LAN Looparound Test to verify the repair.
1187 ABORT The circuit pack, port, or station may have been busied out.
1. Look in the Error Log for Error Type 18 (busied out) for ASAI-BD,
2. If this Error Type is present for ASAI-EPT only, then use the release
station command and run the test again.
3. If this Error Type is present for ASAI-PT and ASAI-EPT, then use the
release port command and run the test again.
4. If this Error Type is present for ASAI-BD, ASAI-PT, and ASAI-EPT, then
use the release board command and run the test again.
Continued on next page