DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-739DUPINT (Duplication Interface Circuit Pack)
Table 9-285. TEST #868 Memory Shadowing Bounds Test
Tes t
Result Description/ Recommendation
1321 ABORT The faceplate switches on the Duplication Interface circuit packs are not set
to auto.
1. If the switches are locked because you are using a replacement
procedure, continue with this procedure to the step that directs you to
unlock the active SPE by moving both switches to auto. The next step
using the test duplication-interface long clear should not abort with this
error code.
2. If the switches are locked and a replacement procedure is not being
used, start with step 6 of the SPE Duplication Channel Component
Replacement procedure for the standby Duplication Interface Circuit
pack at the end of the DUP-CHL section to avoid an undesired
interchange when unlocking the active SPE.
3. If this same abort is received with both switches in auto, Replace
Duplication Interface components starting with the standby Duplication
Interface circuit pack. Use SPE Duplication Channel Component
Replacement procedures at the end of the DUP-CHL section. In addition
to looking for failures, also check for the absence of this 1321 abort code
when testing after the procedure directs setting the switches to auto after
a component replacement.
1405 ABORT This test did not run because the Duplication Channel was busy.
1. Retry the command at 1-minute intervals a maximum of 5 times.
1418 ABORT The HFAIL bit and/or the STDONE bit is in the wrong state. The active
Duplication Interface circuit pack needs to be reset.
1. Run the test duplication-interface long command and follow
instructions for the Active DUPINT Reset Test (#870).
2. If test #870 passes and this test still aborts, escalate the problem.
2500 ABORT Internal system error
1. Retry the command at 1-minute intervals a maximum of 5 times.
FAIL The looped around test word within the shadowing bounds did not match the
inversion of the written test word or the looped around test word outside the
shadowing bounds matched the inversion of the written test word. The test
words are looped within the active Duplication Interface circuit pack.
1. Replace Duplication Interface components starting with the active
Duplication Interface circuit pack. Use SPE Duplication Channel
Component Replacement procedures at the end of the DUP-CHL
Continued on next page