DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1526STO-DATA (Stored Data)
3. Run
test stored-data
to retire the alarm.
4. If the Stored Data tests fail, refer to the repair procedures for those
j. Error types 3586 and 3842 indicate that an attempt to restore the disk from
tape failed on carrier A or B, respectively.
1. Refer to the alarm log and clear any H-ADAPTR, DISK, TAPE, or
DUPINT alarms first.
2. Enter
restore disk
. This operation may take up to an hour.
3. Run
test stored-data
to retire the alarm.
4. If the Stored Data tests fail, refer to the repair procedures for those
k. Error types 3587 and 3843 indicate that an attempt to backup the disk to
the tape failed on carrier A or B, respectively.
1. Refer to the alarm log and clear any H-ADAPTR, DISK, TAPE, or
DUPINT alarms first.
2. Enter
backup disk
. This operation may take up to an hour.
3. Run
test stored-data
to retire the alarm.
4. If the Stored Data tests fail, refer to the repair procedures for those
System Technician-Demanded Tests
The sequence of tests performed depends on whether the SPE is duplicated.
Always investigate tests in the order presented in the table below when
inspecting errors in the system. By clearing error codes associated with the
Carrier Tape Checksum Test
, for example, you may also clear errors generated
from other tests in the testing sequence.
Short Sequence Long Sequence
SPE: Simplex Duplex Simplex Duplex
MSS (D:disk/tape, T:tape only) D T D T D T D T
A Carrier Tape Checksum Test (#829) X X X X
B Carrier Tape Checksum Test (#830) X X
A Carrier Disk Checksum Test (#831) X X
B Carrier Disk Checksum Test (#832) X
A Carrier Tape to Disk Consistency Test